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Girl with Arms Stretched Out


I have some resources to help you kick start your journey of transformation. These are designed to help you get started on your journey. 

Enjoy! 🤗


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31 day Self Love Challenge

Self Love is an essential part of our growth journey and self empowerment. When we fill our own cups first, we are able to show up more, love more, give more. 

Contrary to popular belief though, Self Love is not something that you can discover - it is a practice. So I have created this 31 day Self Love Challenge, to bring some fun into your daily practice! 

Simply print it out, cut out the boxes and pick a new one each day to start your Self Love journey.


Price: FREE


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Your Self Discovery Workbook

Starting your self discovery journey can often be very daunting / challenging, especially when you may discover things about yourself that you didn't know / didn't want to find out. 

However, understanding and knowing who you truly are right now gives you the freedom and power to choose what to keep and what to change. 

This workbook will help you kick start your journey of self discovery with guided questions, and offer you options of what to do with your new found knowledge! 


Price: FREE​​

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